Virtual Studio

Study with Edward White no matter where you are in the world!

  • Whether you are picking up an instrument for the first time or you are preparing for a college audition, Edward has the tools, knowledge, and passion to guide you on your musical journey to develop your musicianship and empower you to express yourself through music.

  • Edward has many years of experience teaching a wide range of students. He has taught college-level students, professionals, K-12 students, as well as recreational lessons for adults.

  • The virtual studio is fully equipped with high-resolution cameras for multiple viewing angles and quality microphones to capture clear audio. Lessons are also available to be recorded for later viewing.

  • Any and all topics are covered including the fundamentals of guitar & piano, music literacy, music theory, advanced guitar technique, improvisation, playing in an ensemble, and learning to be an artist.

If you are interested in booking a lesson with Edward White please click on the “Book a Lesson” button below.